Aplying the BlackScholes formula we can relatively easily calculate the different greeks of the options.
Options greeks are the parameters that are going to tell us how the option prices is going to performance in relation to the changes in the underlying price and others like time to the expiry date or volatility.
One of the most important parameters to get is the implied volatility. Given the market price of the option and the rest of parameters (time to expiry date, strike, interest) we can calculate the volatility with which this market option price was calculated. And see if it makes sense.
Although IB gives all of this information, I have decided to calculate them in my own just for checking and for doing further analysis.
The tricky one is the implied volatility, as we have to iterate in order to estimate its value.
As I intend to do massive calculations, I also have created a class for processing multiple options.
Here it is the code:
This module contains backscholes calculations of prices and greeks for options
import math
from scipy.stats import norm
import pandas as pd
from datetime import date
import numpy as np
class Option:
This class will group the different black-shcoles calculations for an opion
def __init__(self, right, s, k, eval_date, exp_date, price = None, rf = 0.01, vol = 0.3,
div = 0):
self.k = float(k)
self.s = float(s)
self.rf = float(rf)
self.vol = float(vol)
self.eval_date = eval_date
self.exp_date = exp_date
self.t = self.calculate_t()
if self.t == 0: self.t = 0.000001 ## Case valuation in expiration date
self.price = price
self.right = right ## 'C' or 'P'
self.div = div
def calculate_t(self):
if isinstance(self.eval_date, basestring):
if '/' in self.eval_date:
(day, month, year) = self.eval_date.split('/')
(day, month, year) = self.eval_date[6:8], self.eval_date[4:6], self.eval_date[0:4]
d0 = date(int(year), int(month), int(day))
elif type(self.eval_date)==float or type(self.eval_date)==long or type(self.eval_date)==np.float64:
(day, month, year) = (str(self.eval_date)[6:8], str(self.eval_date)[4:6], str(self.eval_date)[0:4])
d0 = date(int(year), int(month), int(day))
d0 = self.eval_date
if isinstance(self.exp_date, basestring):
if '/' in self.exp_date:
(day, month, year) = self.exp_date.split('/')
(day, month, year) = self.exp_date[6:8], self.exp_date[4:6], self.exp_date[0:4]
d1 = date(int(year), int(month), int(day))
elif type(self.exp_date)==float or type(self.exp_date)==long or type(self.exp_date)==np.float64:
(day, month, year) = (str(self.exp_date)[6:8], str(self.exp_date)[4:6], str(self.exp_date)[0:4])
d1 = date(int(year), int(month), int(day))
d1 = self.exp_date
return (d1 - d0).days / 365.0
def get_price_delta(self):
d1 = ( math.log(self.s/self.k) + ( self.rf + self.div + math.pow( self.vol, 2)/2 ) * self.t ) / ( self.vol * math.sqrt(self.t) )
d2 = d1 - self.vol * math.sqrt(self.t)
if self.right == 'C':
self.calc_price = ( norm.cdf(d1) * self.s * math.exp(-self.div*self.t) - norm.cdf(d2) * self.k * math.exp( -self.rf * self.t ) )
self.delta = norm.cdf(d1)
elif self.right == 'P':
self.calc_price = ( -norm.cdf(-d1) * self.s * math.exp(-self.div*self.t) + norm.cdf(-d2) * self.k * math.exp( -self.rf * self.t ) )
self.delta = -norm.cdf(-d1)
def get_call(self):
d1 = ( math.log(self.s/self.k) + ( self.rf + math.pow( self.vol, 2)/2 ) * self.t ) / ( self.vol * math.sqrt(self.t) )
d2 = d1 - self.vol * math.sqrt(self.t)
self.call = ( norm.cdf(d1) * self.s - norm.cdf(d2) * self.k * math.exp( -self.rf * self.t ) )
#put = ( -norm.cdf(-d1) * self.s + norm.cdf(-d2) * self.k * math.exp( -self.rf * self.t ) )
self.call_delta = norm.cdf(d1)
def get_put(self):
d1 = ( math.log(self.s/self.k) + ( self.rf + math.pow( self.vol, 2)/2 ) * self.t ) / ( self.vol * math.sqrt(self.t) )
d2 = d1 - self.vol * math.sqrt(self.t)
#call = ( norm.cdf(d1) * self.s - norm.cdf(d2) * self.k * math.exp( -self.rf * self.t ) )
self.put = ( -norm.cdf(-d1) * self.s + norm.cdf(-d2) * self.k * math.exp( -self.rf * self.t ) )
self.put_delta = -norm.cdf(-d1)
def get_theta(self, dt = 0.0027777):
self.t += dt
after_price = self.calc_price
self.t -= dt
orig_price = self.calc_price
self.theta = (after_price - orig_price) * (-1)
def get_gamma(self, ds = 0.01):
self.s += ds
after_delta = self.delta
self.s -= ds
orig_delta = self.delta
self.gamma = (after_delta - orig_delta) / ds
def get_all(self):
return self.calc_price, self.delta, self.theta, self.gamma
def get_impl_vol(self):
This function will iterate until finding the implied volatility
low_vol = 0
high_vol = 1
self.vol = 0.5 ## It will try mid point and then choose new interval
for i in range(ITERATIONS):
if self.calc_price > self.price + ACCURACY:
high_vol = self.vol
elif self.calc_price < self.price - ACCURACY:
low_vol = self.vol
self.vol = low_vol + (high_vol - low_vol)/2.0
return self.vol
def get_price_by_binomial_tree(self):
This function will make the same calculation but by Binomial Tree
u = math.exp(self.vol*math.sqrt(deltaT))
# Initialize our f_{i,j} tree with zeros
fs = [[0.0 for j in xrange(i+1)] for i in xrange(n+1)]
a = math.exp(self.rf*deltaT)
p = (a-d)/(u-d)
oneMinusP = 1.0-p
# Compute the leaves, f_{N,j}
for j in xrange(i+1):
fs[n][j]=max(self.s * u**j * d**(n-j) - self.k, 0.0)
print fs
for i in xrange(n-1, -1, -1):
for j in xrange(i+1):
fs[i][j]=math.exp(-self.rf * deltaT) * (p * fs[i+1][j+1] +
oneMinusP * fs[i+1][j])
print fs
return fs[0][0]
class Options_strategy:
This class will calculate greeks for a group of options (called Options Strategy)
def __init__(self, df_options):
self.df_options = df_options #It will store the different options in a pandas dataframe
def get_greeks(self):
For analysis underlying (option chain format)
self.delta = 0
self.gamma = 0
self.theta = 0
for k,v in self.df_options.iterrows():
## Case stock or future
if v['m_secType']=='STK':
self.delta += float(v['position']) * 1
## Case option
elif v['m_secType']=='OPT':
opt = Option(s=v['underlying_price'], k=v['m_strike'], eval_date=date.today(), # We want greeks for today
exp_date=v['m_expiry'], rf = v['interest'], vol = v['volatility'],
right = v['m_right'])
price, delta, theta, gamma = opt.get_all()
self.delta += float(v['position']) * delta
self.gamma += float(v['position']) * gamma
self.theta += float(v['position']) * theta
print "ERROR: Not known type"
return self.delta, self.gamma, self.theta
def get_greeks2(self):
For analysis_options_strategy
self.delta = 0
self.gamma = 0
self.theta = 0
for k,v in self.df_options.iterrows():
## Case stock or future
if v['m_secType']=='STK':
self.delta += float(v['position']) * 1
## Case option
elif v['m_secType']=='OPT':
opt = Option(s=v['underlying_price'], k=v['m_strike'], eval_date=date.today(), # We want greeks for today
exp_date=v['m_expiry'], rf = v['interest'], vol = v['volatility'],
right = v['m_right'])
price, delta, theta, gamma = opt.get_all()
if v['m_side']=='BOT':
position = float(v['position'])
position = - float(v['position'])
self.delta += position * delta
self.gamma += position * gamma
self.theta += position * theta
print "ERROR: Not known type"
return self.delta, self.gamma, self.theta
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = 56.37
k = 60
exp_date = '20171215'
eval_date = '20140528'
rf = 0.01
vol = 0.2074
div = 0.014
right = 'C'
opt = Option(s=s, k=k, eval_date=eval_date, exp_date=exp_date, rf=rf, vol=vol, right=right,
div = div)
price, delta, theta, gamma = opt.get_all()
print "-------------- FIRST OPTION -------------------"
print "Price CALL: " + str(price) # 2.97869320042
print "Delta CALL: " + str(delta) # 0.664877358932
print "Theta CALL: " + str(theta) # 0.000645545628288
print "Gamma CALL:" + str(gamma) # 0.021127937082
price = opt.get_price_by_binomial_tree()
print "Price by BT:" + str(price)
s = 110.41
k = 112
exp_date = '20160115'
eval_date = '20140429'
rf = 0.01
vol = 0.11925
right = 'C'
opt = Option(s=s, k=k, eval_date=eval_date, exp_date=exp_date, rf=rf, vol=vol, right=right)
price, delta, theta, gamma = opt.get_all()
print "-------------- SECOND OPTION -------------------"
print "Price CALL: " + str(price) # 7.02049813137
print "Delta CALL: " + str(delta) # 0.53837898036
print "Theta CALL: " + str(theta) # -0.00699852931575
print "Gamma CALL:" + str(gamma) # 0.0230279263655
d_option1 = {'m_secType': 'OPT', 'm_expiry': '20150116', 'm_right': 'C', 'm_symbol': 'TLT', 'm_strike': '115',
'm_multiplier': '100', 'position': '-2', 'trade_price': '3.69', 'comission': '0',
'eval_date': '20140422', 'interest': '0.01', 'volatility': '0.12353', 'underlying_price': '109.96'}
d_option2 = {'m_secType': 'OPT', 'm_expiry': '20150116', 'm_right': 'C', 'm_symbol': 'TLT', 'm_strike': '135',
'm_multiplier': '100', 'position': '2', 'trade_price': '0.86', 'comission': '0',
'eval_date': '20140422', 'interest': '0.01', 'volatility': '0.12353', 'underlying_price': '109.96'}
df_options = pd.DataFrame([d_option1, d_option2])
opt_strat = Options_strategy(df_options)
delta, gamma, theta = opt_strat.get_greeks()
print "-------- OPTIONS STRATEGY --------------"
print "Delta: " + str(delta)
print "Gamma: " + str(gamma)
print "Theta: " + str(theta)
s = 110.63
k = 115
exp_date = '20150116'
eval_date = '20140424'
rf = 0.01
price = 3.18 ## Calculated for a vol = 0.12353
right = 'C'
opt = Option(s=s, k=k, eval_date=eval_date, exp_date=exp_date, rf=rf, price=price, right=right)
ivol = opt.get_impl_vol()
print "-------------- FIRST OPTION -------------------"
print "Implied Volatility: " + str(ivol)
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